Now... I just need to think of a way to best organize these pictures and all this data so that it fits better into the format of this blog. I want to do it in such a way that the list won't just cycle out as I post more... forcing me to dig it back up and re-post it with all the additions each and every time.
Let's face facts... I'm too damn lazy to do that. Hell... I can barely motivate myself to post once in a blue moon.
HOWEVER!!! And this is a pretty big however for me: I recently found out that players on my server (and others) actually read the crap I write here. Who knew? So shout out to you guys who complimented this page to me in the past month. You know who you are.
So let's see... since I last posted, we had the February update. I suppose I can talk about that one first... and then the March update is right around the corner and I can touch on those sneak previews a little as well. Only the SMN specific ones of course. I have standards, you know. Low ones... but they're there.
First of all: In the February Update we were given an addition to the new upgrade system we previously saw with the Artifact Armor. This time however, we get up upgrade the Relics! To start, they are allowing us to upgrade all 5 pieces to their respective 109 versions... but only 3 of them are being allowed to fully progress to the 119. Namely the Head, Hands and Feet. But for the price tag on each of them... it's kinda fine with me so far.
The items toy will need in order to upgrade each piece to it's 109 version vary depending on the current state of your Relic Gear.
Summoner's Horn - Rem's Tale Chapter 1 x10 and 2 L. Jadeshells
Summoner's Horn +1 - Rem's Tale Chapter 1 x10 and 1 L. Jadeshell
Summoner's Horn +2 - Rem's Tale Chapter 1 x10
Summoner's Horn +2 (Augmented) - Rem's Tale Chapter 1 x5
In addition to those required items, each piece of gear has it's own list of additional items required in order to craft it to the 109 version. These items are pretty much the same as the ones required by the AF upgrades. I'll list the required items under each of the pictures for the sake of convenience.
Glyphic Horn

Lancewood Log
Phoenix Feather
Glyphic Horn +1

Rem's Tale Chapter 6 x8
Hahava's Mail
Gabbrath Horn
Glyphic Doublet

Lancewood Log
Malboro Fiber
Glyphic Bracers

Lancewood Log
Black Beetle Blood
Glyphic Bracers +1

Rem's Tale Chapter 8 x8
Hahava's Mail
Bztavian Stinger
Glyphic Spats

Lancewood Log
Damascene Cloth
Glyphic Pigaches

Lancewood Log
Glyphic Pigaches +1

Rem's Tale Chapter 10 x8
Hahava's Mail
Rockfin Tooth
Aside from those items (which are totally enough for me right now), the February update didn't really add all that much for SMNs to play with.
However... that changed when they announced the March update about a week ago. Because guess who's coming to dinner!!!
That's right! We finally get Cait Sith! After how many years of SE telling us he was coming? Like... 5? Crazy. And now we actually get him!
But more importantly... how do we get him and what does he do?! Well lets check that out:
According to SE, Cait Sith will be unlockable via a quest that can only be flagged if you have progressed to the WotG Mission "A Token of Troth" or higher.
In addition, he will only have 6 BPs and 1 AF at his disposal when you initially get him. The highest of which is only level 75?
Blood Pact: Rage
Level 1: Regal Scratch - Delivers a threefold attack.
Level 25: Mewing Lullaby - Puts all enemies with AoE to sleep and lowers their TP.
Level 55: Eerie Eye - Silences and inflicts Amnesia upon the target.
Level 75: Level ? Holy - Deals Light damage to enemies within the area of effect.
Blood Pact: Ward
Raise II - Revives target from KO.
Reraise II - Grants you the effect of Raise II when you are KO'd.
Astral Flow
Altana's Favor - Minimum Requisite MP: 198. Grants the effects of Arise and Reraise III to party members within the area of effect.
Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait... did I read that right? Cait Sith can cast Raise... Reraise... and Arise? AOE ARISE?!? I don't even care if that's a 1-hour ability... that's epic. Limited in it's uses... but epic none the less.
Now SE did also announce the addition of other BPs via some other kind of method they have yet to clarify... but my assumption is that they'll be buyable via the new Job Points system.
Oh you haven't heard? Yeah... SE introduced (for lack of a better way to describe it) a new Merit Point system. I'll spare the details and sum it up for you simply:
- Quest for the "Job Breaker" KI
- Change Job to whatever job you want to gain Job Points as
- Kill Monsters/Gain XP
Job points (unlike merits) will be earned and stored on each job separately. IE: you want JP for SMN, you have to XP grind as SMN. Simple as that.
In a twist on the old way however, SE did announce that we will be able to aquire XP and JP simultaneously... unlike Merit Points which we had to choose one or the other... leading me to believe that we can now Merit and JP at the same time. Kinda neat.
Lastly: It's unclear what the maximum number of storable JPs will be... or what we can buy with them... but SE did say that for every 30k experience points, we obtain 1 JP.
Happy grinding guys...
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