After 11 years, 4 server changes and countless rage/quits, My Nirvana was completed on 11/23/2014

After 11 years, 4 server changes and countless rage/quits, My Nirvana was completed on 11/23/2014

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Important Message for SMNs!!!

Today and tomorrow are the last days to take advantage of the BCNM drop campaign!!! What does that mean for us? One thing and one thing only...

Foreboding Abjuration: Hands

If you know what those are, you know how painfully difficult they are to get your hands on. But you also know how big the reward is. Combined with a pair of Hexed Gages -1... you too could be sporting arguably the best offensive BP hand piece in the game.

Spurrina Gages

Yes mother-effin please...

The BCNM that drops the Abj. is "Dragon Scales", an uncapped 50 kindred crest fight in The Chamber of Oracles. 

REMEMBER!!! You have until JP midnight on the 16th to spam the ever living shit out of that BC before the event ends and who knows when it'll be back!!!

Happy hunting!

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