After 11 years, 4 server changes and countless rage/quits, My Nirvana was completed on 11/23/2014

Thursday, October 25, 2012
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Pics A-Plenty As Promised: POW!
You'll have to excuse these being a little bit out of order. I didn't exactly upload them all at once. Either way... you get the idea. I'm not sure any of the pictures show it... but thanks to my funds running dry halfway through this afternoon, I wasn't able to make the goal i set out for myself. That being said... I did make it to Rank 52 before the night was over. I also did a Dynamis: Xarc run with a few people as well (pics below) to earn a little more spending money towards cooking. Currently, I'm stocked up on 5 stacks of each of the ingredients to make Beaugreen Sautee... as well as 5 stacks of each of the ingredients to make both Yagudo Drinks and Pet Food Zeta. Hopefully that will give me enough of a head start to kick tomorrow off strong!
Journeyman Cooking! (Rank 48)
Playing with Fire
I hate Baked Popotos
Big Badda Boom
So much Pie Dough
My first few Synths of cheese went surprisingly well...
We got a what from that NM???
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Cookin' with Fire: Shattering Expectations!
As I posted yesterday, I took some advice from Hayde and picked up a craft to help fill in times when I'm online and nobody else is. My final decision was to take up cooking, since there seems to be a near constant need for consumables like pet food, jug pets and skill up food... not to mention the usual staples of Pizza, Tacos and Sushi (sounds weird to list those things together).
Yesterday morning I logged on, took off all my equipment and stored everything I had on me in my mog house and set off for Windy to make application to their illustrious Culinary Institute. In no time I was cooking my way from rank 0 to whatever I could manage to accomplish.
Early in the day, I had set myself a goal of making it to rank 20 before the night was over. Those expectations were met... and then some. After crafting my ass off from 9:00am EST all the way to nearly 1:00pm. In the end, I walked away at rank 22, having broken the first 2 tiers of the cooking guild's ranking system.
Now as many of you know, I have the luxury of a bit of free time at work that allows me to pull out my laptop near the end of the night and do whatever I want (as long as I maintain focus on work as well). This basically translates into "perfect conditions for crafting".
At the end of my shift here at work, I was able to log on from about 9:00pm and play on and off until 1:00am or so. Sound familiar? Yep, same times I had been playing not 12 hours earlier.
During this sessions, I casually chatted with Hayde about my progress while he participated in a Fell Cleave Party somewhere. Letting my mind wander helped to alleviate some of the monotony of the task at hand.
In the end, I closed my laptop at 1:05am EST and looked down at my screen at the very satisfying rank 35.5 Cooking I had achieved. I never would have thought that I could break the goal I had set out for myself so quickly.
So what did I do then? I gave myself a new goal... a goal for today. I set it cautiously at 55 given that I wasn't 100% certain what some of the recipes I would need to make were.
This morning I got up and started playing at 10:00am and burned my way through as much as I could before I needed to walk the dog, do a few things around the house and head to work. I managed to make it to rank 47.9 in that sitting. I'm eagerly waiting to play tonight so that I can see just how much I destroy the goal i set for myself today. Who knows... maybe I could even make it to 65 or 70 if I really buckled down and went for it.
Now I know I promised screen shots last night... but I completely forgot and didn't upload them yet. If you care... I'll be posting them later this afternoon to catch you up on some of the things I've been up to.
Crafting is turning out to be a lot more fun... and a lot faster than I ever would have expected. <3
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
It's life, Jim.
After last week, I have successfully upgraded the SMN and COR relic headpieces to +2.
That makes 5/5 for Corsair, 4/5 PUP, 3/5 SMN, 2/5 NIN, 2/5 THF, 1/5 BLM and 0/5 WHM.
For now, I'm happy... and I've moved on to a new project.
This morning I logged on (after not logging in for nearly a week) and thanks to the server being dead (as usual), I spontaneously started crafting. I managed to take Cooking from 0-17 in a little over 2 hours. Tonight I plan to try and break the 28 cap before I log off. That gives me from 9:00PM - 2:00AM to grind grind grind. Maybe I can even get higher than 28. We'll see. My goal is 28... any higher is a bonus.
I'll post later on my progress... hopefully with pictures.
That makes 5/5 for Corsair, 4/5 PUP, 3/5 SMN, 2/5 NIN, 2/5 THF, 1/5 BLM and 0/5 WHM.
For now, I'm happy... and I've moved on to a new project.
This morning I logged on (after not logging in for nearly a week) and thanks to the server being dead (as usual), I spontaneously started crafting. I managed to take Cooking from 0-17 in a little over 2 hours. Tonight I plan to try and break the 28 cap before I log off. That gives me from 9:00PM - 2:00AM to grind grind grind. Maybe I can even get higher than 28. We'll see. My goal is 28... any higher is a bonus.
I'll post later on my progress... hopefully with pictures.
Friday, September 28, 2012
For those of you from the forum... as well as anywhere else in the far reaches of the internet... I welcome comments. You know... that little comment section at the bottom of every post. I like reading them and knowing that there are actually people who read this blog.
So post damn it... post something.
So post damn it... post something.
Upgrade Chase!
Logged in ever-so briefly to do some of the upgrades I've been saving my Forgotten Items for. Here's what I did:]
Pantin Tobe +2: Awesome Melee Piece for both me and Yojimbo :3
Commodore Gants +2: Bastard ran through my screen shot...
Commodore Culottes +2: Great looking Melee piece
In addition to those upgrades, I also started the process of upgrading my Summoner's Pigaches +2. I only had 27 Forgottens on me at the time and they've been deposited. In an effort to save on the cost of making these, I'm always on the hunt for people selling forgottens for dirt cheap... so I checked for what was around in people's Bazaars. One guy... by the name of "Kud", was selling 84 Forgotten Steps for 4k each. If you're unfamiliar... that's insanely cheap. A quick search showed me that he was online just outside of Jeuno in the past. Unfortunately, he wouldn't respond to my /tells, so I decided to hunt his ass down. What followed was a 40 minute wild goose chase for a what turned out to be a NA hating JP player. He was apparently doing WotG missions, because I ended up losing him in Batallia Downs right near the Everbloom Hollow entrance is. Why he avoided me is anyone's guess. I used Auto-Translate the best I could to say:
<Stop!> <Bazaar> <Can I have it?> <Steps> <You can have this> <Money> <Gather together>
His only response to me was:
<I'm sorry, I'm busy right now> <Please> <Leave>
So I guess he didn't want to make 350k off me today. His loss. Maybe I'll be able to catch a break later when I go searching again. We'll see.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Tree of Life vs King of the Dragons: Round 2
As I got to work today I had a strong desire to take revenge on Bahamut for killing my THF last night... so since I was almost 45 minutes early, I excused myself from the office, found a dark corner, plugged in and tuned out while I make a b-line straight for Bahamut on my SMN/WHM.
I made good time, only taking about 15 minutes to run to the Green Unstable Displacement. Upon arrival, I didn't waste any time. I entered, buffed with SS, Aquaveil, Blink, Protect III and Shell II, Siphoned to bring myself back to full MP, summoned Garuda and wen't to town on his big squishy ass.
First on my list of upgrades are the Summoner's Pigaches +2... because they're awesome.
"Avatar: Enhances Attack" and "Magical Critical hit Rate +5%"... on a piece that reduces BP delay by 4? I shouldn't have to explain how awesome that is. It's just awesome.
Following that will be the full set of Pantin Attire. I know I don't play PUP very often... but something about that job's potential makes me want to gear it to the teeth. It's also the one job that gains seriously huge benefits from it's full Relic +2 set. Some jobs got shafted here and their on their sets... but PUP got nothin but gold. Sure, most of them are macro pieces, but all of them are useful. The same can't be said for Summoner's Head, Body or Legs... or Koga Head, Body or Feet for that matter.
*Edit: Pictures added*
I made good time, only taking about 15 minutes to run to the Green Unstable Displacement. Upon arrival, I didn't waste any time. I entered, buffed with SS, Aquaveil, Blink, Protect III and Shell II, Siphoned to bring myself back to full MP, summoned Garuda and wen't to town on his big squishy ass.
The beginning of the fight was a little more difficult than I needed to be and I ended up wasting a lot of MP by trying to treat Bahamut like an Abyssea NM and spam Whispering Wind along with Predator Claws. I found out that his AoE's like Thrash and Firaga IV have some pretty huge range as I took both of them to the face and ended up with 120hp pretty quickly. After that it was a mad dash to the other size of the small zone to heal quickly before Garuda went down. I barely got SS back up before Garuda died and I was forced to resummon.
Apart from that little mishap, things went rather cut and dry the rest of the fight and I ended it with 4/1749mp.
Whisper of the Wyrmking: Mine! Now to wait until the next conquest update so that I can flag Apocalypse Neigh.
Contented with my accomplishment, I returned to Jeuno to spend some of the money I had been earning in Dynamis the past few days. I ended up purchasing about 15 Forgotten Steps, 7 Forgotten Hopes, 10 or so Forgotten Journeys and a whopping 49 Forgotten Touches. The whole lot of them cost me about 300k in total and put my totals through the roof.
First on my list of upgrades are the Summoner's Pigaches +2... because they're awesome.
Following that will be the full set of Pantin Attire. I know I don't play PUP very often... but something about that job's potential makes me want to gear it to the teeth. It's also the one job that gains seriously huge benefits from it's full Relic +2 set. Some jobs got shafted here and their on their sets... but PUP got nothin but gold. Sure, most of them are macro pieces, but all of them are useful. The same can't be said for Summoner's Head, Body or Legs... or Koga Head, Body or Feet for that matter.
*Edit: Pictures added*
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Screen shots! (...and other stuff)
Last night I decided to head back into Dynamis Xarc to make a little money. After all... as of yesterday morning I was sitting on a cool 3k total, I needed money. So this time, rather than try my luck again solo, I shouted for a Dynamis partner to farm with and ended up getting a BST name Jdhog. Although he mentioned quite a few times that his BST was gimp, he was wearing a mixture of AF3+2, Relic+2, assorted end game BST gear and Twilight Helm/Armor. I didn't think he was gimp at all, but hey... to each his own.
We actually did really great, walking out with 13 Forgotten Hopes, 84 Bronze, 83 Bills and around 79 or so Shells. Not at all shabby. After it all sold (quickly I might add) I walked away from the adventure with roughly 820k in my pocket.
After that was finished, I didn't really have any plans, so I stayed on my THF and headed into Riverne Site #B01 to try my luck at farming up Giant Bird Plumes (since they sell for 50-60k a stack) and wasted an hour or so in my attempt.
One good thing did come out of it, though. I was reminded (by cutscenes) that I hadn't yet killed Bahamut and advanced towards "The Final Verse". So I thought to myself... why the hell not... and went in to try my hand at the fight as THF/DNC. It was actually quite funny. Not only could Bahamut not hit me to save is life, but when he did it was for a meager amount. In the end I died to a Megaflare that I came to learn he continues to attempt to cast even after being stunned.
Tonight my plan is to go in again as SMN and sic Garuda on him. Hopefully I'll be able to kill him with minimal effort by kiting his ass around. If not, I may just ask Hayde to come with me on BST and guarantee a win that way.
In addition to that, I'm going to upgrade as many of my Relic Gear pieces as I can with the Forgottens I've been collecting before going back into Dynamis Xarc for another run with Jdhog.
And now... for the Screen shots I promised! There's really no specific order for them... they just happen to be Screens from some of my many various adventure. Enjoy!
More to come soon. I have to sort through some of this stuff for the good shots. I have almost 3 gigs worth of screens, lol.
We actually did really great, walking out with 13 Forgotten Hopes, 84 Bronze, 83 Bills and around 79 or so Shells. Not at all shabby. After it all sold (quickly I might add) I walked away from the adventure with roughly 820k in my pocket.
After that was finished, I didn't really have any plans, so I stayed on my THF and headed into Riverne Site #B01 to try my luck at farming up Giant Bird Plumes (since they sell for 50-60k a stack) and wasted an hour or so in my attempt.
One good thing did come out of it, though. I was reminded (by cutscenes) that I hadn't yet killed Bahamut and advanced towards "The Final Verse". So I thought to myself... why the hell not... and went in to try my hand at the fight as THF/DNC. It was actually quite funny. Not only could Bahamut not hit me to save is life, but when he did it was for a meager amount. In the end I died to a Megaflare that I came to learn he continues to attempt to cast even after being stunned.
Tonight my plan is to go in again as SMN and sic Garuda on him. Hopefully I'll be able to kill him with minimal effort by kiting his ass around. If not, I may just ask Hayde to come with me on BST and guarantee a win that way.
In addition to that, I'm going to upgrade as many of my Relic Gear pieces as I can with the Forgottens I've been collecting before going back into Dynamis Xarc for another run with Jdhog.
And now... for the Screen shots I promised! There's really no specific order for them... they just happen to be Screens from some of my many various adventure. Enjoy!
My first Legion: 3rd Wave. We were all dead about 10 seconds later.
Voidwatch. This guy was a BEAST. One of his many AoE moves inflicts Doom.
Found my twin. Nattack. :3
Jailer of Love. What a long and boring fight he is...
But on the bright side, after JoL was dead I got my first and only AV Kill!
Hayde and I farming in Sea. Ix'Aern (DRG) What a chump.
Bhaflau Remnants: Long Barreled Chariot win! And he damn near killed us too...
Beseiged CS. Not even 24 hours after this event, I hunted this guy down and killed him with a small party of 6.
More Voidwatch. I'm not quite sure what happened to the quality of this picture... but this was me after hitting Pil with Wildfire.
More to come soon. I have to sort through some of this stuff for the good shots. I have almost 3 gigs worth of screens, lol.
Friday, September 21, 2012
Extreme Moghouse Makeover!
Look left...
Look right...
Tarutaru Male Mannequin wearing PUP AF3 and doing the Windurst /salute
Hume Male Mannequin wearing COR AF3 and doing /salute
Trophy / Display Case (expanding soon)
Windurst Room (under renovation)
Bastok Room (also under renovation)
Study (needs more books)
Tarutaru Female wearing WHM AF3 and doing the Shantotto laugh
Master Bedroom
See you again! Thanks for visiting!
New Look. In and out of Game
So I spent a little time today doing some cosmetic work to the blog. All in all I think it came out pretty well. Big thanks to Hayde for helping me tweak the picture at the top to smooth it out and make it transparent.
In game... I've also been changing around some things. I finally got fed up with my lack of inventory space and started looking for ways to improve my MH organization. What I found was that I have pretty much nothing in "Storage" besides a few random odds and ends and I made a decision that was a little difficult to do at first. I set up 3 Mannequins and equipped them in full AF3+2 gear to alleviate some of my burden.
I'll post pictures a little later, but my Taru Female is equipped 5/5 in WHM, the Taru Male is equipped 5/5 in PUP and the Hume Male is equipped 5/5 in COR. They look cool as hell, but I know it's going to be a pain to gear up those jobs now if I'm asked to. That's pretty much the reason for choosing those 3 jobs in the first place. I hardly ever use them.
In other news, I also flagged and finished the Mannequin posing quest to make them look all cool. The quest and it's story were actually kinda fun to be honest. I encourage others to do it as well. In total I think it took me about 45 minutes to finish all the running around... 30 of which was wasted trying to navigate the Aqueducts under Tavnazia to get to one of the CS.
Today I might log on for a little while to try and sell off my Sky pops and use the money to buy a few more forgottens and maybe some furniture for my MH... idk. With the mannequins in there all dressed up, the rest of the house looks kinda shabby and needs to get redecorated. I'll post pictures of that as well when it's finished.
In game... I've also been changing around some things. I finally got fed up with my lack of inventory space and started looking for ways to improve my MH organization. What I found was that I have pretty much nothing in "Storage" besides a few random odds and ends and I made a decision that was a little difficult to do at first. I set up 3 Mannequins and equipped them in full AF3+2 gear to alleviate some of my burden.
I'll post pictures a little later, but my Taru Female is equipped 5/5 in WHM, the Taru Male is equipped 5/5 in PUP and the Hume Male is equipped 5/5 in COR. They look cool as hell, but I know it's going to be a pain to gear up those jobs now if I'm asked to. That's pretty much the reason for choosing those 3 jobs in the first place. I hardly ever use them.
In other news, I also flagged and finished the Mannequin posing quest to make them look all cool. The quest and it's story were actually kinda fun to be honest. I encourage others to do it as well. In total I think it took me about 45 minutes to finish all the running around... 30 of which was wasted trying to navigate the Aqueducts under Tavnazia to get to one of the CS.
Today I might log on for a little while to try and sell off my Sky pops and use the money to buy a few more forgottens and maybe some furniture for my MH... idk. With the mannequins in there all dressed up, the rest of the house looks kinda shabby and needs to get redecorated. I'll post pictures of that as well when it's finished.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Goals List and minor PUPdate
Finished my Cirque +2 Body and Head! Full +2 Cirque 5/5!!! Woot!!!! And now... down to business...
For my own use, I wanted to write out a complete "to-do" list and check things off as I go. Bare with me if my first post this week seems... list heavy. It's not for you anyway... it's for me, damn it.
6/6 Raider's Head +2
2/6 Raider's Legs +2
9/9 Raider's Body +2
Summoner's Hands +2
Assassin's Hands +2
Commodore's Feet +2
Koga Hands +2
Koga Legs +2
Pantin Head +2
Bhaflau Remnants
For my own use, I wanted to write out a complete "to-do" list and check things off as I go. Bare with me if my first post this week seems... list heavy. It's not for you anyway... it's for me, damn it.
Empyrean +2 Gear: (everything else for all other jobs is already +2)
3/6 Orison Head +2
4/9 Orison Body +2
0/6 Orison Hands +2
2/6 Raider's Legs +2
Relic +2 Gear: (only listing the ones I want)
Summoner's Head +2
Summoner's Body +2
Summoner's Legs +2
Summoner's Feet +2
Commodore's Head +2
Commodore's Body +2
Commodore's Hands +2
Commodore's Legs +2
Pantin Body +2
Pantin Hands +2
Pantin Legs +2
Pantin Feet +2
Artifact Gear: (only listing the ones I want)
Puppeteer's Head +1
Puppeteer's Body +1
Puppeteer's Hands +1
Puppeteer's Legs +1
Puppeteer's Feet +1
- Temenos West, East, North, Basement & Basement 2
- Ultima
- Arch-Ultima
- Chamber Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3
- Odin
- Odin v2
Silver Sea Remnants
Arrapago Remnants
Zhayolm Remnants
Arrapago Remnants
Zhayolm Remnants
2/10 Leujaoam Missions
2/10 Periqia Missions
2/10 Mamool Ja Missions
2/10 Ilrusi Missions
2/10 Lebros Missions
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Einherjar, Dynamis and Limbus... oh my...
I decided the other day (mostly because nobody was on to play with) to do some of the events that I haven't tried in a while solo.
I started with Dynamis and went to Beau. Glacier to try and farm up some of the forgottens I need to finish off a few of my pieces. That run went... decently. I ended up with 12 Forgottens and around 45-50 currency. I quickly sold off all the currency and used the money to buy even more forgottens.
After the day of events was over, I sat back and considered continuing to do Limbus and Einherjar on a regular basis... and sprinkling in Dynamis in between while I wait for the cooldown timers on the events. Once I decided that I definately wanted to do that, I did a little research on each event to see what changes have been made to them recently.
Einherjar has only added Odin v2 and nothing else. Kinda lame.
Limbus however... added Arch-Ultima and Arch-Omega. Their drops? Whoo Boy, I'm excited. Lemme give you a little idea:
As with their original NQ counterparts, they each drop the same body parts as before... and they can be traded for amazing pieces of equipment... just like before. Only this time, you need to trade not only the body part from Ultima/Omega, but an additional piece of gear aquired from Limbus as well to recieve your final reward. The additional item is One of your Homam or Nashira pieces... OR one of your Artifact Armor pieces that has been upgraded to +1.
Example 1:
Example 2:
The 2 pieces I have highlighted in red are the ones that I'm the most thrilled about. Their stats are absurd for SMN.
Now my only question is how the hell to fight either one of them. I'll have to do my research on them somewhere else... because the wiki say anything at all about either one besides the conversion costs and such. Maybe BG will have something. I'll post later when I figure it out.
The thing I'm most excited about is the fact that The Shedir Feet don't require that I trade in my AF+1 SMN Feet to get them. I just need ANY AF+1 feet at all combined withArch-Ultima's Tail. Adhara's Gages entice me less... and are a little bit more of a pain to get. First I'll need to farm Nashira's Gages off regular Ultima and THEN get Arch-Ultima's Claw. Either way... it's Ultima or GTFO. Omega... as always... has nothing at all that I want.
I started with Dynamis and went to Beau. Glacier to try and farm up some of the forgottens I need to finish off a few of my pieces. That run went... decently. I ended up with 12 Forgottens and around 45-50 currency. I quickly sold off all the currency and used the money to buy even more forgottens.
I ended up finishing my +2 Feet for COR, +2 Head for PUP and +2 Hands for PUP. Not a bad haul.
After that, I was still bored... and decided to try my hand at Limbus. Specifically I went to Temenos West and powered through the floors pretty easily. The only trouble I had was when I hit the Jelly level and couldn't for the life of me get the TE to drop and ended up moving on with only 7 minutes to spare. On the next floor I made up for it and finished the run with a win.
I ended up with an AF upgrade for RDM (lol), 37 Ancient Beast Coins and an Emerald Chip for my set towards Ultima.
When that was finished... I shouted in Jeuno for a little while to try and dig up 5 more people to come with me to Einherjar. It took almost an hour to get the people together, but we finally got the ball rolling and went into Rossweiss' Chamber. Man has that event gone downhill fast. We zerged through it and were done in less than 15 minutes.
Ended up with just under 1000 Inchor and Rossweiss' Wing.
Later, while I was wandering around in Jeuno buying forgottens from Bazaars, I got a /tell from a friend inviting me to his Legion run with his LS. Why not? I'd never been before and it was bound to be an experience. I was asked to bring my SMN and use Alexander and perfect Defense when the time came (figures).
We did 2 runs and I walked out with nothing at all besides the feeling that I'll never try that damn event again and 450 Legion Points (which buys me nothing).
About 10 minutes after walking back into Jeuno, one of the guys from the LS asked for my help in Nyzul Isle and I was more than happy to add to my ever growing collection of Tokens. We started at floor 75 with only 3 of us. Me on NIN/DNC, him on BLU/NIN and a MNK/DNC. We made short work of the first 5 floors and even managed to squeeze in 2 more before exiting.
Ended up with Goliard Body, Dagger for BRD (lmao, dropped) and 2,500 Tokens.
After the day of events was over, I sat back and considered continuing to do Limbus and Einherjar on a regular basis... and sprinkling in Dynamis in between while I wait for the cooldown timers on the events. Once I decided that I definately wanted to do that, I did a little research on each event to see what changes have been made to them recently.
Einherjar has only added Odin v2 and nothing else. Kinda lame.
Limbus however... added Arch-Ultima and Arch-Omega. Their drops? Whoo Boy, I'm excited. Lemme give you a little idea:
As with their original NQ counterparts, they each drop the same body parts as before... and they can be traded for amazing pieces of equipment... just like before. Only this time, you need to trade not only the body part from Ultima/Omega, but an additional piece of gear aquired from Limbus as well to recieve your final reward. The additional item is One of your Homam or Nashira pieces... OR one of your Artifact Armor pieces that has been upgraded to +1.
Example 1:
Arch-Omega's Eye + Homam Zucchetto = Enif Zucchetto
Arch-Ultima's Claw + Nashira Gages = Adhara Gages!!
Example 2:
Arch-Omega's Tail + ANY AF+1 FEET = Murzim Gambieras
Arch-Ultima's Tail + ANY AF+1 FEET = Shedir Crackows!!
The 2 pieces I have highlighted in red are the ones that I'm the most thrilled about. Their stats are absurd for SMN.
Now my only question is how the hell to fight either one of them. I'll have to do my research on them somewhere else... because the wiki say anything at all about either one besides the conversion costs and such. Maybe BG will have something. I'll post later when I figure it out.
The thing I'm most excited about is the fact that The Shedir Feet don't require that I trade in my AF+1 SMN Feet to get them. I just need ANY AF+1 feet at all combined withArch-Ultima's Tail. Adhara's Gages entice me less... and are a little bit more of a pain to get. First I'll need to farm Nashira's Gages off regular Ultima and THEN get Arch-Ultima's Claw. Either way... it's Ultima or GTFO. Omega... as always... has nothing at all that I want.
I'm consistent... if nothing else.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
I would like to retract my previous assessment of the Puppetry AF1 set. The hands... if I were to +1 them, are awesome for Manuvers. Anything that enhances an entire category of effects is good stuff in my book.
I also have to remember to check on what attachments I have/dont have so I can compile a list of the ones I still need to farm up/buy.
I think I'm pretty much 90% of the way finished... but the ones I have left to get are all expensive iirc.
I also have to remember to check on what attachments I have/dont have so I can compile a list of the ones I still need to farm up/buy.
I think I'm pretty much 90% of the way finished... but the ones I have left to get are all expensive iirc.
Dynamis - Beau
Not much to report here. I went in to farm Forgotten Thoughts for PUP +2 Turban and walked out with nothing more than 20 Ordeals Pieces and a bunch of AF2 bodies for jobs I'll likely never play.
As a friend of mine has pointed out, I'm not going to bother trying to farm up the forgottens specifically anymore. That seems like it's largely a waste of good time and effort. Instead, I'm going to buy them like everyone else does. I'll do dynamis... farm currancy and buy the damn Forgottens I need.
Those same 20 pieces I got today (would have been more, but I had to leave for work and cut the run short by 45 minutes) go for around 6,000 each. So around 120,000 gil. At the going rate, that comes out to 6 Forgotten Thoughts.
If my run hadn't been cut abysmally short, I would probably have walked about with 40-50 more currancy than I did... so probably 400k or so in profit... and the equivilent of 20 Forgotten Thoughts.
All I can say is that I'm glad I already have the +2 Turban. Thanks to that, I won't have to gather 50 of those damn things. 30 is more than enough.
As a friend of mine has pointed out, I'm not going to bother trying to farm up the forgottens specifically anymore. That seems like it's largely a waste of good time and effort. Instead, I'm going to buy them like everyone else does. I'll do dynamis... farm currancy and buy the damn Forgottens I need.
Those same 20 pieces I got today (would have been more, but I had to leave for work and cut the run short by 45 minutes) go for around 6,000 each. So around 120,000 gil. At the going rate, that comes out to 6 Forgotten Thoughts.
If my run hadn't been cut abysmally short, I would probably have walked about with 40-50 more currancy than I did... so probably 400k or so in profit... and the equivilent of 20 Forgotten Thoughts.
All I can say is that I'm glad I already have the +2 Turban. Thanks to that, I won't have to gather 50 of those damn things. 30 is more than enough.
Friday, September 7, 2012
PUP Gear
I did a little research and it seems there really isn't a hell of a lot of gear out there for pup outside of attachments. This is good... considering I really don't want to spend forever trying to gear myself up properly... and it's already going to cost me a small fortune to upgrade all my Pantin stuff... so I wasnt going to be thrilled to have to spend money either.
Here's what I could come up with (outside of the TP/WS/EVA gear I want for me as the PUP). These pieces are specifically to augment the Automaton in various situations:
Here's what I could come up with (outside of the TP/WS/EVA gear I want for me as the PUP). These pieces are specifically to augment the Automaton in various situations:
Sexy (Drops from Ogopogo): Melee/Ranged Automaton
Also sexy (Drops from Abyssic Cluster): Mage Automaton
Useful for when I'll be skilling up melee on Valoredge
Useful for Valoredge after Melee skill is capped (Dropped from Copper Borer)
Great for an "oh shit" macro (Dropped from Okyupete)
Also good for an "oh shit" macro (Dropped from Frogamander)
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